“Why Does Our Nose Run When We’re Sick? – Evening Edition of Ouest-France – 20/11/2023”

“Why Does Our Nose Run When We’re Sick? – Evening Edition of Ouest-France – 20/11/2023”

“Why Does Our Nose Run When We’re Sick? – Evening Edition of Ouest-France – 20/11/2023”

Why Does Our Nose Run When We’re Sick?

No one enjoys the uncomfortable feeling of a runny nose when they’re sick. It’s one of those annoying symptoms that makes us reach for a tissue every few seconds. But have you ever wondered why our nose runs when we’re sick? In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating science behind this common phenomenon.

The Role of Mucus

To understand why our nose runs when we’re sick, we first need to understand the role of mucus in our bodies. Mucus is a sticky substance that is produced by the lining of our nasal passages and sinuses. It acts as a protective barrier, trapping particles like dust, allergens, and bacteria, preventing them from entering our lungs.

Inflammation and Increased Mucus Production

When we’re sick, our body’s immune system kicks into overdrive to fight off the invading pathogens. This immune response often leads to inflammation in the nasal passages and sinuses. The inflammation causes the blood vessels in the area to expand, resulting in increased blood flow and swelling.

As a result of the inflammation, the glands in our nasal passages produce more mucus than usual. This excess mucus is intended to help flush out the pathogens and keep our airways clear. However, when there’s too much mucus, it starts to drip out of our nose, causing that dreaded runny nose sensation.

The Role of Sneezing

Another reason our nose runs when we’re sick is sneezing. Sneezing is a reflex action that helps expel irritants from our nasal passages. During a sneeze, the muscles in our chest and abdomen contract, while the muscles surrounding our nasal passages relax. This sudden release of air can push out mucus that has accumulated in our nose and sinuses, further contributing to the runny nose.

The Importance of Hydration

It’s important to stay hydrated when we’re sick, especially if we have a runny nose. Drinking plenty of fluids helps thin out the mucus, making it easier for our body to expel it. Additionally, hydration keeps our nasal passages moisturized, preventing them from becoming dry and irritated.

In Conclusion

So, why does our nose run when we’re sick? It’s because of the body’s immune response to fight off pathogens, leading to inflammation and increased mucus production. The excess mucus then drips out of our nose, causing the runny nose sensation. Sneezing and hydration also play a role in this process. Next time you have a runny nose, you’ll have a better understanding of why it’s happening.

#runnynose #sicknesssymptoms #mucus #inflammation #sneezing #hydration

Summary: This blog article explores why our nose runs when we’re sick. It discusses the role of mucus, inflammation, and sneezing in causing a runny nose. The article also highlights the importance of hydration in managing this symptom. #HEALTH

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